Friday, August 8, 2008

money as wedding gift

money as wedding gift
A wedding is a special time in a couple's life. It is the beginning of their life together as husband and wife. An invitation to a wedding can be a symbol that the bride and groom remember and consider you to be close friends of the family. When accepted the invitation to attend wedding ceremony, first arrangement should do is what wedding gift to bridal couple. A normal wedding ceremony used a lot of money. So For me, money as wedding gift is more appropriate than other gift.

The bridal couple will like money as wedding gift better than other gift because they have to pay for the cost of a wedding ceremony, honeymoon and buying new home. By money as wedding gift, the couple can pick and choose what they want to do with it. They may need a lot of help when they are first starting out in a marriage.

When you choose money as wedding gift, then you will think about what is appropriate amount of money as wedding gift for the bridal couple. You give based on what you can afford and what you feel comfortable giving. The gift is meant to help them start out in life after the wedding. There’s no set sum required, no amount specifically expected because of your role in the wedding party or how much the couple are spending on the day. It’s up to you to make the bridal happy.
money as wedding gift

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